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Vin Diesel
From chuck norris planet, a free chuck encyclopedia (not Wiki or Chuck Norris affiliated)
- If you rearrange the letters in Vin Diesel it reveals his credo: "I End Lives."
- There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. Fuck you, team.
- When Vin Diesel was born, the nurse said, "Holy crap! That's Vin Diesel!" Then she had had sex with him. At that point, she was the third girl he had slept with.
- Vin Diesel coined the phrase, "I could eat a Horse" after he ate every last unicorn in existence.
- The eternal conundrum "what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object" was finally solved when Vin Diesel punched himself in the face.
- Vin Diesal has no hair because it is to afraid of him to grow.
- Vin Diesel is on first name basis with Mr-T.
- Vin Diesel doesn't have a computer. Just a basement full of Asian kids that memorize numbers.
- Vin Diesel invented the hammer when he was tired of using his forehead to slam nails into wood.
- As Vin Diesel approaches zero, zero runs like a little bitch.
- When Vin Diesel talks about "pumping iron," he's actually referring to masturbation.
- Vin Diesel can strangle you with a cordless phone
- If you rearrange the letters in Vin Diesel, it reveals his credo: "I End Lives."
- vin diesel's blood type is rusty nails
- Scientists predicted the end of the world then Vin Disel was born
- Once, Vin Diesel bitch-slapped a tornado.
- Vin Diesel went to the South Pole, and decided to punt a football. The ozone hole has finally stopped growing.
- Vin Diesel can find a needle in a haystack. He just walks up to the haystack, and it hands the needle to him.
- Vin Diesel shaves his head with a cotton ball.
- Fear can smell Vin Diesel.
- If you rearrange the letters in Vin Diesel it reveals his credo: "I End Lives."
- When Vin Diesel was born, the nurse said, "Holy crap! That's Vin Diesel!" Then she had had sex with him. At that point, she was the third girl he had slept with.
- In fine print at on the last page of the Guiness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Vin Diesel, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever come to matching him.
- Vin Diesel wears a cup not to protect himself, but to protect the players on the other team.
- When Vin Diesel deletes files from his computer, he doesn't send them to the Recycle Bin. He sends them to hell.
- Vin Diesel sleeps once every 2 weeks, for half an hour, standing up, with his eyes open, and he looks pissed off.
- The popular videogame "Doom" is based loosely around the time Satan borrowed two bucks from Vin Diesel and forgot to pay him back.
- Vin Diesel is the only one who can "try this at home."
- The word "lesbian" derives from an old Latin phrase that roughly translates as "She who has not yet been introduced to Vin Diesel."
- Vin Diesel doesn't have a computer. Just a basement full of Asian kids that memorize numbers.
- When Vin Diesel gets pulled over he lets the cop off with a warning.
- The book "Wost Case Scenario," discusses ways to run from many different deadly animals. The page entitled "Running from Vin Diesel" simply says "Good luck."
- Vin Diesel doesn't have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Tall buildings duck under Vin Diesel.
- Vin Diesel irons his shirts while he's still wearing them.
- Vin Diesel's hair is too afraid of him to grow.
- Vin Diesel once talked an Amish housewife into buying a toaster.
- When the girl from "The Ring" climbed out of Vin's TV, he stood up, cleared his throat, stretched calmly, and booted her straight back in.
Vin Diesel Facts |
Vin Diesel's hair is too afraid of him to grow.
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